Mr. Kenny Mitchell Manager,
Newcomb Tree Service
Bryantville, Ma.
Dear Mr Mitchell,
I am writing to express my gratitude for the great job your tree removal team did taking down a diseased Norway Maple on my property. This tree was huge, having five very large and extremely tall leaders. The circumference of the main trunk was 15 ft. The tree was between and slightly behind our house and garage and too close for comfort from both buildings. I watched transfixed by the skill, expertise and professionalism of all four people. They each knew their jobs thoroughly, but also pitched in to help complete each other’s job. They were constantly working-they never stopped. This team of four performed this dangerous job of removing this enormous Norway Maple with great care for the safety of themselves and each other as well as for my property. The crane operator had to take care when lowering a detached leader not to hit my house, my garage, my husband’s 32 foot sailboat, electrical and cable wires and the crane cab itself. Watching them, particularly the skilled and brave tree climber was jaw- dropping as I held my breath hoping the crew was safe and my property remained undamaged. The skill, team work and results were very impressive and much appreciated by both my husband and myself. I’ve used Newcomb Tree Service before several time and been pleased with the results and have been this time as well with the performance of this very challenging job. Our thanks to your men for doing an extraordinary job!
Yours truly,
Gail and Fran Collins 4/4/2012